forgetful hill climbing

Terms from Artificial Intelligence: humans at the heart of algorithms

Page numbers are for draft copy at present; they will be replaced with correct numbers when final book is formatted. Chapter numbers are correct and will not change now.

The simplest form of hill climbing search is 'forgetful', that is at each step one moves to an adjoining or close point with a better (or best) fitness function. The is has the dabger of getting stuck as a local maxima or reach an impasse if some states are not allowed, for example those thart are not feasible when there are {[constraints}}. For this reason, variants of hill climbing may searches keep track of past states (memory) and use backtracking to reisit them in case of impasse, or to explore alternatives suhc as anext best solution.

Used in Chap. 4: pages 56, 60

Also known as forgetful